
Your contribution makes a major difference.

Many Ways of Donating

Individuals, families, organizations and companies can become a part of the Orion Veterans Memorial through an honorable donation. There are three main ways to donate to the Orion Veterans Memorial. You can donate an engraved brick in the “Pathway to Peace” or donate an engraved brick in the “Commemorative Brick Walkway.”

You can also submit a monetary donation for upkeep and future expansion of the park. Show your patriotism today by donating to our great cause. When you do, you honor all who have served and/or given their lives for our freedom! Find out more about how you can make a lasting tribute today!

Donate Today!

Chairman Dr. Joseph Mastromatteo

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Make a Lasting Tribute

Assist us in honoring all who have served.

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